French insults
If you're standard criticsm hasn't work, then you might need to use stronger language. As you'd expect, French has a full range of insults:
7. J'en ai ras-le-bol de toi.
I'm fed up with you.
8. Je ne veux plus te voir.
I don't want to see you again.
9. Je suis très déçu (e)
I'm really disappointed
It's a shame we don't have this insult in English:
10. Tu m'empoisonnes l'existence
You're poisoning my existence.
11. Va-t'en, casses toi. Go away! / Get lost!
12. Ta gueule !
Shut up!
13. Je t'interdis de dire ça! Don't say that!
14. Dehors !
Get out!
15. Va au diable !
Go to hell!
16. Tu es méchant(e)
Eres malo(a)You're a bad person
17. Jamais plus.
It's the last time / Never again
18. Tu me gonfles - You're irritating me
19. Ça suffit! - Enough!
20. Tu m'énerves. You're getting on my nerves
21. Au revoir et bon débarras. Goodbye, until never!
1. Mince, zut, flûte - Damn
1. Zut - Damn
1. Flûte - Damn
2. Merde - Shit
3. Putain, bordel (ej: Putain, mais où il est?) Damn! Where is he?
3. Bordel (ej: Bordel, mais où il est? )
Damn! Where is he?
4. Stupide - Stupid
5. Chiant(e) - Boring / Irritating
6. Débile - Idiot
6. bête - Idiot
6. idiot (e) - Idiot
7. Con (conne) - Wally / Tosser
8. Baiser Follar - Screw
9. Je me suis fait baiser. - They've screwed me over
10. Je me fais chier. - I'm getting fed up
10. Je m'emmerde. - I'm getting bored
11. Ça fait chier ! - What a pain in the butt!
12. Tu me fais chier ! - You're pissing me off
13. Je t'emmerde ! - Screw you!
14. Mange-merde - Eat shit!
15. Connard (connasse) - Twat / Dickhead
16. Va te faire foutre, va te faire enculer. - Go to hell
17. Salop (e) - bastard
17. Enculé (e) - bastard
18. Nique ta mére - Go fuck your mother
19. Pute, salope - slag / bitch
19. Salope - slag / bitch
20. Fils (fille) de pute - Son of a bitch
Some other stuff here
These classes are aimed at taking you to another linguistic level.