
Restaurants and Bars

Welcome to our section on French for restaurants and bars. In the classes on this course we'll cover all the French we need to successfully communicate with the waiter or barman. In passing, we'll also learn tonnes of French vocabulary related to food and cooking.  

Order confidently, understand the waiter, and get what you want.


Essential french waiter phrases

French waiters can be a bit snooty if you don't speak their language. Show them who's boss with our 20 essential phrases for restaurants. They'll be impressed!

Essential french waiter phrases

French waiters: The most common questions

If you don't want to end up eating the extremities of some more amphibian, you'll need to understand what the waiter is saying to you. In this class we'll look at the classic phrases and questions which waiters use in French-speaking countries.  

French waiters: The most common questions